The Faculty of Accounting and Finance was established in 2010, separating from the Faculty of Economics. The Faculty offers two major programs: Accounting and Finance at associate and Bachelor levels for over 4,000 full-time students and more than 8,000 part-time students. The faculty operates at the University’s two main campuses, in Nha Trang and Kien Giang. The department also works with 17 different institutions to prepare learners with the real world skills to meet the demands of the workforce nationwide.

After nearly 15 years of development since the first cohort in 1996, the Faculty of Accounting and Finance has graduated thousands of accountants and finance workers for Vietnam. The graduates find employment in various businesses, banks and financial institutions and continue to make positive contributions to the development of society and the economy. The faculty has also conducted many research projects focusing on local economic development.

Training tasks:

The faculty is dedicated to training experts in accounting and finance with well-being, the capacity to think critically, and the desire to perform ethically beside basic knowledge of economics and in-depth knowledge of accounting and finance to meet social needs.

  Development Orientation

1. Strengthening, improving and developing current training programs by innovating and building programs in accordance with the standard of training programs in Asian regions; building advanced learning materials and assessment methods.

2. Preparing conditions to open other majors such as Auditing, Banking and training at a post-graduate level.

3. Strengthening scientific research and application in the fields of finance, banking, accounting and auditing.


Teaching staff

Currently, the faculty consists of 42 members, including 1 doctorate, 17 master’s and 8 PhD students in addition to many members completing a master's degree. The teaching staff of the Faculty is mostly young, enthusiastic and capable of conducting high quality research. The faculty also strives to continue to build a team of collaborators in businesses, banks, securities firms, auditing companies, tax agency, etc. to provide real-world working experience for students.


Accounting Department 

Accounting is the language of business and is needed now more than ever before. Organizations use accounting to demonstrate performance to external parties and managers use it to understand the inter-workings of an organization. Numerous stakeholders and users need to know how organizations operate and perform. Accountants are professionals who help individuals, business firms, or governmental agencies plan for and oversee their financial operations. Therefore, professional accountants are valued in every industry.

Accounting studies will help students develop the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes they will need to succeed in future career. Accounting leads to a career path with countless possibilities.

Brief History

The Accounting Department was established in 1998. We train undergraduate students in Accounting in mainstream, second degree and continuing programs.        

Learning goals

Students who graduate from the Accounting Department are equipped with a high quality educational program that integrates theory and application in a wide variety of fields within accounting. Our undergraduates can be responsible for accounting activities in foreign businesses, multinational companies, and large domestic corporations.

   Department of Banking and Finance
Banking and financial services is a highly competitive and rapidly changing sector in every modern economy and a degree in Banking and Finance will prepare you to tackle it head on.

Brief History

The Department of Banking and Finance was established in July 2005. It offers students the opportunity to study theory and practice of financial services and financial markets, and to analyze the broader role of the financial and banking sector in the national and international economies.

   Program learning goals (Mission) 

The degree program in banking and finance focuses on corporate finance, financial economics, quantitative finance and banking. In the individual specialist fields, you will learn how to examine various topics systematically from a theoretically well-grounded perspective. Specifically, you will investigate how companies select investments and how to assess corporate value. In addition, investment decisions, corporate acquisition and the optimum portfolio strategy are also examined. With regard to the field of banking, the program concentrates on the various functions of banks, financial intermediaries, brokers, insurance companies and stock markets as well as the shaping of financial regulation today and in the future.

With a Bachelor's degree in banking and finance, you will be able to step directly into a career in the banking and finance industry. With a broad, comprehensive education, graduates generally assume positions of responsibility in banks, consulting firms, financial departments of industrial enterprises and insurance companies.

  Auditing Department

Brief History

Auditing is a systematic process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence regarding assertions about economic actions and events to ascertain the degree of correspondence between those assertions and established criteria and communicating the results to interested users. The Department was established in 2010, separating from the Accounting Department.

Program learning goals (Mission) 

The Auditing Department is a high quality program that provides graduates with a solid foundation in theoretical knowledge as well as professional skills needed to support them in their future career paths. The program aims to educate professional accountants and auditors who can work in a competitive business environment. After graduation, students can perform assigned tasks as accountants in enterprises of different sectors, in professional administration agencies, or working as auditors in national and international auditing companies.


Undergraduate programs:

* Full-time:
- Accounting

- Finance and Banking

* Part-time:

- Accounting

- Finance and Banking

* Short courses: ·        

- Income Tax workshop

- Accounting Practices 


  Research groups            

The faculty has established three research groups:

1. Finance – banking group: Undertake studies on finance – banking areas. The head of the group is Vo Van Can, MA. This group has five members. 

2.  Accounting group: Undertake research on the organization of accounting components of businesses and other institutions. The head of the group is Dr. Phan Thi Dung. This group has seven members 

3. Auditing group: Focus on studies of auditing and accounting information system of firms. The head of the group is Nguyen Thanh Cuong, MA. This group has seven members. 

  Selected Publications

[1]. Nguyen Thanh Cuong (2011), "The impact of interest rate policy to support business activities of the seafood processing enterprises in Vietnam", Proceedings of the scientific conference Fiscal policy - Monetary and Financial market development in Vietnam, 2011, University of Economics - Law, National University of Ho Chi Minh City, p. 64-68.

[2]. Nguyen Thi Canh, Nguyen Thanh Cuong (2011), "The Determinants of Capital Structure for Vietnam's Seafood Processing Enterprises", The 18th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, Rome, Italy, between June 26-29, 2011; Science and  Technology Development Journal, Vol. 14, No.Q1-2011, pp.28-54.

[3]. Nguyen Thanh Cuong, Nguyen Thi Canh (2011), "Threshold Effect Of Capital Structure On Firm Value With Panel Threshold Regression Model: The Case Of Vietnam's Seafood Processing Enterprises", International Conference in Mathematics and Applications, Vietnam, mid December 20-22, 2011.

[4]. Chu Thi Le Dung (2011), "Companies' Valuation in Emerging Markets: The Case of Vietnam", Research Proposals, Publishers City University of Economics. HCM, p.43-54.

[5]. Nguyen Thi Canh, Nguyen Thanh Cuong (2012), "Development of the Fisheries Sector in Vietnam and a number of solutions developed in the coming period", Journal information and forecasts economic - social - Ministry of Planning and investment, number 73 (1.2012), pp. 30-37.

[6]. Nguyen Thanh Cuong, Nguyen Thi Canh (2012), "The Effect of Capital Structure on Firm Value for Vietnam's Seafood Processing Enterprises", The 19th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, Poland, between June 24-27, 2012, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 89 (2012), pp. 221-223.

[7]. Nguyen Thanh Cuong, Nguyen Thi Canh (2012), "The Factors Affecting Capital Structure for Each Group of Enterprises in Each Debt Ratio Threshold: Evidence from Vietnam's Seafood Processing Enterprises", International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 94 (2012), pp. 23-37.

[8]. Dang Thi Ngoc Tam (2012), "The significance of the interest on the variable costs for business decision making", Journal of Accounting & Auditing (104), pp. 34-35.

   [9]. Vo Van Can (2013), “Estimation of travel mode choice for domestic tourists to Nha Trang using the multinomial probit model”, Transportation Research Part A, 49, p.149–159. 3.2. 

List of research topics

1, Phan Thi Dung (2004), "The direction and development solutions of the sugar industry in Khanh Hoa Province into 2010" The ministerial-level subject - B2002-33-21, Nha Trang.

2, Phan Thi Dung (2006), "Assessing the economic efficiency of fishing vessels in Phu Yen province," The ministerial-level subject - B2006-13-05, Nha Trang.

3, Thai Ninh (2007), "Assessing the economic efficiency of the fishing profession except blinds, trawl fisheries in some communes of Van Ninh district, Khanh Hoa province," The School-level report - TR2007 - 13-13.

4, Tran Dinh Chat (Chairman) Vo Thi Thuy Trang (2001), "Strategic orientation of export seafood products of the seafood processing enterprises in Khanh Hoa Province"

   5, Ha Duy Linh (Chairman), Nguyen Thanh Cuong (2011), “Applying the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) to estimate the cost of capital for the seafood company listed on the stock market in Vietnam ", The study of science students.


Visiting address: G1 Building, Nha Trang Campus, 02 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam

Mailing address: Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Nha Trang Campus, 02 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam

Email: khoakttcntu@gmail.com

+84.258.222 0968

Fax: + 84.258.383 1147

Website: /khoakttc/Trangch%E1%BB%A7.aspx 


Mr. Nguyen Thanh Cuong, PhD.

Email: cuongnt@ntu.edu.vn

Tel: +84.258.222 0968

Vice-Dean: Mr. Vo Van Can, PhD.

Email: canvv@ntu.edu.vn

Tel: +84.258.222 0968