Department of Industrial Electrical

The Department of Industrial Electrical was established in 2010 by renaming the Marine Electronics Department. It provides courses in the field of electrical and electronics industry for students of electrical and electronics engineering major. At present, the department has 11 staffs, in which four hold doctoral degrees and seven hold master degrees.

It has a system of well-equipped labs to serve learning and conducting research (i.e., Electrical Engineering Laboratory, Electrical Machine and Installation Laboratory, Electrical Supply Laboratory, Electrical Drive Laboratory, Programmable Logic Controller Laboratory).

  Department of Physics

The Department of Physics was established from the physics group under the Department of Mechanical Engineering which was founded in1966. It offers Fundamental Physics to students across all technical programs. It has 4 staffs including MSc. Phan Van Tien (Department Head), Ph.D. Huynh Huu Nghia, Ph.D. Phan Van Cuong, and B.A. Phan Nhat Nguyen. The Department is equipped with a Physics Laboratory.

    Department of Automatic Electronics

The Department of Automatic Electronics was formed in August 2005 from the Department of Electricity an Wireless. It offers bachelor and associate programs on Electricity and Electronics Technology. Faculty of the Department also teaches courses in electronics and automatics for students of other related majors. It is equipped with a series of labs to serve learning and research activities such as Electronic technique, Audio-video technique, Power electronics, and Digital technique & Processor.  

Currently, the Department has seven staffs including MSc. Nhu Khai Hoan (Department Head), MSc. Quach Duc Cuong, MSc. Hoang Thi Thom, ENGR. Nguyen Ngoc Hanh, ENGR. Nguyen Van Han, ENGR. Nguyen Diep Le Nguyen, ENGR. Nguyen Van Loi. 


The Faculty is offering programs in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at undergraduate (4 years) and associate levels (3 years).


Research interest:Research and development of solar energy applications.  New energy (solar energy, wind energy), automation (microprocessor, PLC), power supply quality, and particular fields of power equipment, marine electronics for fishing boats.                                                     

  Selected publications:

[1] T T Phuc, Some research results on the single-molecule transistor APCTP – ASEAN Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Natural Sciences and Technology, p. 565-573.

[2] T T Phuc, Molecular transistor C6H4Br2, C6H4F2 and C6H4Cl2, Advances in Natural Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 3&4, p. 459-468.

[3] T T Phuc, On theory of single-molecule transistor, www.iop.org/Journal of Physics, Ser. 187, p.012055. 


Visiting address: B-3, Nha Trang Campus, 02 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam 

Mailing address: B-3, Nha Trang Campus, 02 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam

Email: khoadiendientu@ntu.edu.vn 

  Website: /khoadientu/vi-vn/home.aspx 


  Dean: Mr. Hoan Nhu Khai, MSc.

  Email: hoannk@ntu.edu.vn

                                 Tel: +84.258.2471452