Growing up as one of the first units of Nha Trang University, the Faculty of Food Technology has already had over 53 years of experience in training and research. The faculty now consists of 59 people, of whom more than 90% have Master’s and PhD degrees. The staff members have varied backgrounds, with many having graduated from Japan, France, Iceland, Norway, and Australia. Currently, the Faculty has more than 3,000 students from undergraduate to PhD levels.

  Department of Seafood Processing Technology 

The Department of Seafood Processing Technology was established in 1959. The Department has fourteen members, including two PhDs, four PhD candidates, and eight MSc. The Department offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in Aquatic Products Technology. 

Research interests of the Department: 

- Developing new products from seafood wastes: chitin, chitosan, colorants, flavors, fish glue, fish oil, etc. 

- Producing value-added aquatic products: surimi, simulation products, functional foods, etc. 

- Bioactive compounds from marine processing by-products. 

- Control lipid oxidation in food. 

- Surimi and value added products from surimi. 

- Fish sauce. 

- Seaweed processing and new product development. 

- Food additives. 

- Isolation and application of protein and peptides. 

- Production of fish meal and oil. 

- Cleaner production in fish processing. 

- Biopolymers.

  Department of Food Technology 

The Department of Food Technology was established in 2000. The Department has fourteen members, including four PhDs, four PhD candidates, four MSc, and two engineers. The Department offers undergraduate degree programs in Food Technology. 

Research interests of the Department:

- Developing products from coffee, tea, cocoa, cashew, asparagus, etc. 
- Extraction, isolation, characterization and application of natural bioactive compounds. 

- Food traceability. 

- Food supply chain management.    

- Sensory assessment tools and shelf life study of food raw materials. 

- Controlled cocoa fermentation.  

- Extraction of bioactive compounds from agricultural products (asparagus, tea, cocoa, etc.).

  Department of Postharvest Technology

The Department of Postharvest Technology was established in 2011. The Department has eight members, including three PhDs, three MSc and two engineers. The Department offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in Postharvest Technology.

Research interests of the Department:

- Oligosaccharide (oligochitin and oligochitosan) technology and their application in on-board preservation of fish raw materials.

- Application of enzyme in carrageenan and microgel production from red algae Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) 

- Enzymatic hydrolysis of aquatic by-products Microencapsulation of flavorants and bioactive compounds.

Department of Quality Assurance and Food Safety 

The Department of Quality Assurance and Food Safety was established in 1996. The Department has thirteen members, including two PhDs, ten MSc, and one engineer. The Department offers training courses related to aspects of quality assurance and food safety.  

Research interests of the Department:

- Monitoring and regulation of aquaculture products for export.

- Microbial enzymes: protease, gelatinase …

- Listeria monocytogenes and other bacterial gastrointestinal infection.

- Detection and control of bacterial pathogens in food and food-processing environment.

- Fungi and fungal toxins.

- Biofilm.

- Applications of probiotics.

- Protein hydrolysate.

Department of Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry offers an undergraduate degree program in Chemical Engineering & Technology. Students study a four-year course with majors in Chemistry of Natural Compounds and Technology of polymers and composites. The Department presently has eight members, including five PhDs, two MSc and one BSc.

Research interests of the Department:

- Technology of polymers and composites.

- Extraction, isolation, characterization and application of natural bioactive compounds.

- Production of high quality cement, glass, ceramics,…

- Protection of metals from corrosion. Developing analytical methods for pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industry.



PhD programs:

- Aquatic Products Technology

Master programs:

- Aquatic Products Technology

- Postharvest Technology

Undergraduate programs:

- Aquatic Products Technology

- Food Technology

- Postharvest Technology

- Chemical Engineering & Technology

Short courses:

- Food safety and hygiene

- Basic HACCP HACCP Audit


Research interest: 

- Developing new products from seafood waste: Chitin, chitosan, colorants, flavors, fish glue, fish oil, etc.

- Producing value-added aquatic products: Surimi, simulation products, functional foods, etc.

- Developing export products such as coffee, tea, cocoa, cashew, etc.

- Extraction, isolation, characterization and application of natural bioactive compounds.

- Monitoring and regulation of aquaculture products for export.

- Technology of polymers and composites. 

Publications and research projects in academic year 2011-2012:

- Papers in international conference proceedings: 5;

- Papers in domestic conference proceedings: 12;

- Paper in international peer-reviewed journals: 7;

- Papers in domestic peer-reviewed journals: 39;

- Book (international publisher): 1.

- Research projects at university (6), provincial (1), ministerial (3) and national (1) levels: 11 in total

- Student research projects: 2

Recent ministerial and national research projects: 

1) Optimization of post-harvest handling and preservation techniques for low-value fish and surimi technology to improve surimi quality exported to Japan, National Project, 2012-2013;

 2) Oligosaccharide (oligochitin and oligochitosan) technology and their application in on-board preservation of fish raw materials, National Project, 2012-2014;

3) Application of enzyme in carrageenan and microgel production from red algae Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty), Project funded by the Ministry of Agriculture anf Rural Development, 2012-2014.


The Faculty of Food Technology has developed partnerships with many universities, institutes, companies, and state management agencies in foods and fisheries around the country. The Faculty has also collaborated with more than 20 institutions in foods and fisheries in 14 different countries including USA, Canada, Iceland, Denmark, etc. 

Research groups:

- Group on sea grape led by Dr. Vu Ngoc Boi

- Group on carrageenan led by Dr. Do Van Ninh

- Group on microencapsulation led by Dr. Ta Minh Ngoc


  CONTACT INFORMATION               

Visiting and Mailing address:  Building B3, Nha Trang University Campus, 02 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam 

Tel: +84.58.247 1336 

Fax: + 84.58.383 1147

Website: /khoacntp/en-us/home.aspx


Dean:  Mr. Vu Ngoc Boi, PhD. 

Email: boivn@ntu.edu.vn 

Tel: +84.90.359 5139        

  Vice-Dean:  Mrs. Mai Thi Tuyet Nga, PhD. 

Email: ngamtt@ntu.edu.vn 

  Tel: +84.91.407 4318