The Faculty of Information Technology was established in 1993 and originated from the Informatics Department of the General Sciences Faculty. At first, the Faculty operated with academic support from Hanoi Polytechnic University. With the permission of the Ministry of Education and Training, it became a separate faculty of Nha Trang University on January 17, 2003.     

Today, the Faculty of Information Technology consists of four departments: The Department of Software Technology, the Department of Information Systems, the Department of Computer Networks, and the Department of Mathematics.

The Faculty of Information Technology focuses its efforts on becoming one of the most prestigious faculties of information technology training in the nation. Its mission is to contribute to the development of human resources in the field of information technology in Vietnam.

The mission of the faculty includes: 

  • Training human resources in information technology to serve the socio-economic development of the nation. 
  • Teaching information technology-related courses for all faculties at Nha Trang University
  • Researching and applying new worldwide achievements in computer sciences. 
  • Building, consulting and implementing information technology projects.

  Department of Information Systems 

Modern organizations are using technology to deliver innovative services and products that have changed the way we live. These developments are not achieved through technology alone – Information Systems professionals play a vital role by integrating computer systems and business processes in order to transform a business vision into reality. Your studies in the Department of Information Systems will prepare you to become a driving force in creating the organizations of the future and making a significant impact on the future.

The staff of the Information Systems Department study models to organize data including relational databases, distributed databases, and XML. We also specialize in data mining, an emerging field wherein researchers learn to make inferences by retrieving useful information from a mass of data. Some of our other subjects include machine learning, web ontology and geographic information systems.

If you study information systems at Nha Trang University, you will have state-of-the-art courses on the latest web and computing technologies, analysis and design techniques, and enduring principles comprising the foundational areas of the field. You will learn not only how to design and build software for  applications, but also how to integrate them into corporate and government decision making systems, how to manage them and how to evaluate their effectiveness. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the role of Information Systems in our increasingly high-tech digital and web-based economy.


  Department of Software Engineering

This program is designed to produce graduates with skills in software technology, sufficiently equipped with knowledge, professional skills, political ethics, morality, virtues and well-being to work effectively in various fields of Software technology. The program also equips students with general knowledge of  processes of constructing, managing and maintaining software.  Students will develop  skills in analyzing, designing and managing software projects. 

The Software Technology Department also provides instructional methods and new technologies for students so that they can be competent in advanced sciences. Software-engineering-major students are supplied with knowledge of the organization of software-engineering and management in order to construct models and apply software-engineering principles in practice.

  The goal of the Software Technology Department is to offer programs that equip students with general knowledge of  software construction and basic knowledge of  artificial intelligence and image processing. Students will develop  necessary  skills in analyzing, designing and managing software projects to work effectively in various fields of software technology. Additionally, the Software Technology Department also provides instructional methods and new technologies for students so that they can be competent in the area of advanced sciences. Together with instruction, the staff of the department also concentrate on researching new approaches to software engineering as well as artificial intelligence and image processing.   


Department of Computer Networks

The Department of Computer Networks offers undergraduate programs in Computer Networks and Communication Technology. Those who graduate from this training area are of professional competence, good morality and sharp mentality, capable of working with new technology and adapting to the changing demands of society. The primary objective of this Department is to provide students with a practical knowledge of networking and communication technologies. Specifically, the students will master such domains as network architecture, network configuration, network design, network administration, network security, switching systems, mobile networks and multimedia communication systems. In addition to training, the department always strives to enhance research activities and plans as well as implement solutions for Computer Networks and Distributed Systems. 

  Department of Mathematics

Knowledge of mathematics is a necessary foundation for solving problems in computer science. In 2010, the Department of Mathematics became a member of the Faculty on Information Technology. The department teaches advanced mathematics courses in Calculus, Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Optimizing and many others. These courses are offered for freshmen and sophomores studying in all faculties in the University. In addition, the department also conducts research in mathematics for many other faculties around the University.


  Master programs:

In association with Hanoi Polytechnic University, the Faculty of Information Technology offers a 2-year Master’s program in information technology. All the main courses are taught by professors from Hanoi Polytechnic University. 

Bachelor programs:

The Faculty of Information Technology is responsible for a 4-year bachelor program in information technology. After completing foundational prerequisite courses in information technology, students can take elective specialized subjects in information systems, software engineering, or computer networks in their last year.

  Advanced diploma programs: 

The Faculty of Information Technology also offers a 3-year advanced diploma program in information technology. After the program, students can take a 1.5-year consecutive program to obtain a Bachelor’s degree.


Together with instruction and training, scientific research and technology transfer are also primary functions of the Faculty of Information Technology. The faculty has taken significant steps toward conducting applied information technology projects.

The faculty takes necessary steps to ensure that all instructors and students have the support and equipment necessary to conduct creative research on practical and scientific research projects.

Research groups: 

Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition: 

+ MSc Nguyen Dinh Cuong: Speech Recognition System using Microphone Array

+ MSc Nguyen Khac Cuong: Image Recognition for Automobile Systems

+ MSc Nguyen Dinh Hung: Speech Recognition

+ MSc Mai Cuong Tho: Speech Recognition  

+ MSc Le Hoang Thanh: Image Recognition

Roughset and Data Mining:

+ PhD Nguyen Duc Thuan: Roughset Theory and Its Applications in Data Mining

+ MSc Huynh Tuan Anh: Web MiningXML and web ontology

+ PhD Pham Thi Thu Thuy: XML, RDF, OWL ontologyMathematics

+ PhD Do Nhu An: Graph theory - Hamiltonial cycle

+ MSc Pham Gia Hung: Optimizing. 


Projects that have been completed or on progress:

- Building testing systems. Project manager:  Nguyen Huu Trong PhD.

- Mining association rules in temporal database (National Research Project Code: 221004). Project managers: Nguyen Dinh Thuan PhD. 

- Study algorithm on data mining in temporal database. Project manager: Nguyen Dinh Thuan PhD.

- Roughset Theory and Applications. Project manager:  Nguyen Duc Thuan PhD

In the last three years, over forty papers have been published in national and international scientific and technology journals. 

The Faculty of Information Technology has progressively developed national and international cooperative partnerships in order to improve the professional skills of lecturers and students. The following some of the faculty’s established partnerships:

- The Information Technology Faculty of the 8th Paris University, France: Lecturer training programs.

- Faculty and Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), India: Student exchange programs.


- Yeungnam University, Korea: Student exchange programs.

- The Faculty and University of New England: Designing a new curriculum based on Knowledge, Attitude, Skill (KAS). 

- Microsoft: The MSDN AA Program (Microsoft Developer Network Academic Alliance).

- IBM Academic Initiative: IBM Worldwide Certification Support. 

- FPT Software: Recruitment Support. 

- Khanh Hoa Association for Information Communication Technology: Scholarship Offer. 


Visiting address: G6 Building, NhaTrang Campus, 02 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam

Mailing address: G6 Building, NhaTrang Campus, 02 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam 

E-mail: kcntt@ntu.edu.vn

Tel: +84.258.247 1367

Fax: + 84.258.383 1147

Website: /kcntt


Dean: Mrs. Pham Thi Thu Thuy, PhD.

Email: thuthuy@ntu.edu.vn  

Tel: +84.258.3832 074 

Vice-Dean: Mr. Tran Minh Van, MSc.

Email: minhvan@ntu.edu.vn

  Mobile phone: +84.122.540 3070